We are constantly told that the true key to happiness is limited to the size you wear. Frankly, that's the real problem here. What we need is more people saying it's okay to be your size, to love your body, regardless. There also needs to be more diversity of sizes, and honestly races, showing what the majority of women look like. If I sound like a broken record, it's because I am.
The fact that I'm plus-size, wear crop tops and love to have a cupcake every now and then, is not dooming our young women into a life of misery. If anything, it should show others that you can enjoy your life... Heck, have your cake and eat it too!

Imagine what would happen if we all started to love ourselves a little bit more and worried less about what others thought. What would that look like? I hope that at the end of my life, my legacy wasn't about pressuring women to look a certain way- to love your body only if you are fit. No, it's about loving yourself in its current form. Period. Life is so much more beautiful and complex than a number on a scale.
P.S. Don't assume fat people don't work out. Don't assume that we eat junk food. Don't assume things you know nothing about. It just isn't nice.